

Businesses often require external funding to support growth, release value or refinance. We can help you find the right partner.


Our typical approach to fundraising will include:

  • analysing your business to understand its funding needs for today and in the foreseeable future by understanding the requirements for growth;

  • working with management to develop a business plan, integrated financial model and presentation to potential funders;

  • carrying out robust sensitivity analysis on the banking convenants;

  • presenting the options available to shareholders and management, comparing the costs and advantages of different debt and equity funding and assessing the likely success of a fundraise;

  • preparing a short-list of potential funders who we believe would be interested and securing initial terms sheets from them;

  • approaching the funders and negotiating detailed terms and documentation on your behalf;

  • helping you to prepare for and accompanying you to the meetings with funders;

  • managing the funders’ due diligence to minimise the disruption to your business; and

  • advising on the commercial aspects of the legal documentation and where relevant, debt covenants and shareholders’ agreement terms.


Energy & Environmental Services